This is a great song by norwegian artist Amethystium:
I've seen people ask for the lyrics on youtube sooo many times, so I thought I'm just gonna try to make it so that they can be found on google instead, as a small, small favor to humanity. As the lyrics are nowhere given by Amethystium, painstaking research have been used to unearth them, my only clue, originally, being that they were somewhat the same as the lyrics in Karunesh's Bombay Pure, Enigma's The Child in us, Vangelis' Bizarre Bazaar and even on the soundtrack of Diablo II. I did recognize the language as sanskrit, and I was right. I could find transcripts of the lyrics from the Enigma song, and by googling it's subject matter, find the original hymn upon which all these songs are based. It's a sanskrit hymn praising Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, and it goes like this:
वन्दे पद्मकरां प्रसन्नवदनां सौभाग्यदां भाग्यदां
हस्ताभ्यां अभयप्रदां मणिगणैर्नानाविधैर्भूषिताम् ।
भक्ताभीष्टफलप्रदां हरिहरब्रह्मादिभिः सेवितां
पार्श्वे पंकजशंखपद्मनिधिभिर्युक्तां सदा शक्तिभिः ॥
vande padmakarāṃ prasanna-vadanāṃ saubhāgyadāṃ bhāgyadāṃ
hastābhyāṃ abhaya-pradāṃ maṇi-gaṇair-nānā-vidhair-bhūṣhitām।h ।
bhaktābhīṣhṭa-phalapradāṃ hari-hara-brahmādibhiḥ sevitāṃ
pārśhve pa~Nkaja-śhaṃkha-padma-nidhibhir-yuktāṃ sadā śhaktibhiḥ
Which means:
I bow to the one who has lotus in her hand, has a pleasant happy face, who gives good fortune and destiny, gives refuge (fearlessness) with her hand (posture), who is adorned with lots of gems and other ways, who gives the very much desired fruits to the devotees, is attended upon by viShNu, shiva, brahmA and others, behind whom are lotus, conch and other opulence and who is always with power.
If you want a more thorough analysis of the sanskrit words, you can go here.
"Shibumi" uses just parts of the hymn, and it's exact lyrics would be:
Sadā śhaktibhiḥ śhaktibhiḥ pārśhve pa~Nkaja-śhaṃkha-padma-nidhibhir-yuktāṃ sadā pārśhve sadā śhaktibhiḥ sadā pārśhve sadā śhaktibhiḥ.
Hopefully this will now turn up on google, so people in the future who are looking for the lyrics of this song will find it (edit: a quick try shows that indeed, it does!). Just in case:
Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium
Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics Amethystium Shibumi Lyrics.
Peace out! /Ola
Smile Like You Have Laser Tits!
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