I'm very, nay, extremely, seldom emotionally moved by events in the news. I dunno exactly why, but I guess it has to do with my personality in general; I always want to take a detached, analytic stance to everything, appeal to reason and caution. In part, I'm convinced that this is a good thing; for example, it makes me detest culture-chauvinistic hysteria of various kinds, and I might often have good arguments against such stupidity. On the other hand, it might make me appear inconsiderate or insensitive to others, and I'm not convinced that it, to begin with, stems entirely from positive factors in my subconscious.
Anyhow, I find myself genuinely moved by the ongoing revolution in Egypt. Or, well, it's to early to tell if it's really a revolution, but I really really hope it is. (Not lame-ass reform, we want to see revolution here). I dunno why. It probably has something to do with the fact that I studied islamology last fall, giving me many further insights into (and feelings for) the muslim world, past and present. Also, it began on my birthday ^_^
Maybe I'm fed up with that particular modern type of dictator that Mubarak represents; the pseudo-democratic. The world is filled with psychotic bastards who hide behind a façade of democracy (This guy is a good example), and they get nowhere near the same amount of shit from the West as more honest tyrants do. The US, fucktards that they are, have often been known to ally with them to various degrees, something they'd never do with Kim Jong-Il or the junta in Myanmar, just because of the shitstorm they'd get if they did. If you just pretend to be democratic, it'll work fine though, and you can basically reign supreme and abuse your subjects for 30 years without anyone noticing...
Do western countries, or the democratic world for that matter, now call for Mubarak to resign? No they don't. They whine a little about "listening to the people", or at the very best, call for reform. If any single country have officially taken the Egyptian people's side in all this, please point it out to me; I sure can't find it.
And the Egyptian people's side is quite clear by now. They want their asshole president-for-life to step down. It's not too much to ask, after 30 years of blatant abuse of power. But oh, nooo! Mubarak is to important to the security in the middle east! Islamists could take over! (As if. And I'd love to see the reaction from Israel in the unlikely event that they did).
(I, of course, use the term "people" somewhat vaguely here. There are, of course, supporters of Mubarak in Egypt, it's not like everyone hates his guts (those in power always need the support of a clique). But it's significant enough how many that does, and the sheer magnitud of their frustration and anger).
His people fucking want him gone. By not openly and honestly supporting them, the "democratic" world has yet again shown its true colors (something in distinct shades of brown and blue). I am well aware of Egypt's importance in global and regional affairs (that's partly why I feel more for these events than I do for Tunisia), and yes, of course there are political issues to considered, but it was we, the west, that fucked the world up to begin with, and it should therefore be our fucking responsibility to do all we can to fix it.
Just imagine if TV had subtitles that told you what stuff was really about, beneath the continental crust-thick layers of bullshit:
The next video is something I'm gonna post here because I think everyone (and their grandmother) should see it. I'm getting a bit heart-tugged by the bearded guy who angrily, passionately and tearfully shouts: "We will not be silenced! Whether you're christian, whether you're muslim, whether you're an atheist, you will demand your goddamn rights, and we will have our rights, one way or the other! We will never be silenced!"
Could the quote of the year be here already?
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